Sunday, September 29, 2013

iThink Journals

The dialogic discourse diaries became know as “iThink” journals.  The PLC identified key concerns with writing scores and established a criteria for the the iThink Journals.  The purpose of the journal is to engage students in critically thinking about their beliefs, the world, divergent viewpoints, and the literature they read through inquiry and reflection in order to develop an authoritative voice in their writing.  Implementation was expanded to all four grades at the request of the department chair.  The ELA department was provided instructions and support during inservice before school began, and the actual implemention of the journals occurred during week 2 of school.  Students are to write three journal entries per week that fall into one of the following categories:  literary, expository, persuasive, analytical, or creative.  Two would be directly related to the curriculum, and the third would be created at the teacher’s discretion.  The teams decided they would prefer to create the iThink topics rather than have the PLC create them, but over the first six weeks, the alignment of topics with the original criteria has not been consistent.  After analyzing the status of the student writing at the end of the six weeks, alterations will be made in the construction of prompts.  Teachers are expected to provide weekly feedback in the form of questions only in order to prompt deeper thinking, but teachers have voiced concern over the amount of time needed to read the journals. This will be a discussion topic at our next professional development meeting to provide support and suggestions for teachers.  Most importantly, identifying the need of our students must guide each decision we make.  Finally, students are to grade their own journal entries based on criteria provided by the teacher.  This needs to be addressed this week in teaming and professional development.  I will be curious to gain feedback at the end of the six weeks.

NOTE:  In addition to the journal, our campus has adopted “writing across the curriculum” as an upcoming goal for this year.  I believe this will further impact our student writing scores.